Friday 23 January 2009

A tea-break may help reduce breast cancer

Three Cups of Tea Daily Could Cut Breast Cancer Risk
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Study: Drinking three cups of tea daily could cut breast cancer risk in younger women.
Three cups of tea a day could help keep breast cancer at bay among younger women.

Researchers at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Florida discovered an increased intake of tea reduced the risk among ladies under the age of 50 by up to 37 percent.

The threat of another type of tumor, affecting the lobes deep inside the breast tissue, was cut by two thirds, the researchers said.

They compared the lifestyles of 5,000 women with breast cancer to a similar number without the disease.

Tea, particularly green tea, contains plant-based disease fighting polyphenols, which are believed to account for the cancer protection.

And that is not the only health benefits daily tea consumption brings.

Previous studies have found these to include a lower risk of heart attack and stroke, a lower cholesterol level and improved blood pressure management.